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How effective is the authority in the labor market?
SCA has been established through the Council of Ministers's Resolution No. 510 on 23/11/1436 H that granted the authority specific authorizations and goals from which SCA receives its power. You're kindly invited to read the resolution in the page "About SCA".
Will SCA be the representative of all contractors in Saudi Arabia?
Yes, SCA represents the contracting sector on local, regional and international frontiers.
What are the benefits of registration with SCA?
As regulatory body, SCA will regulate the market and that will have huge positive impact on contractors working in the sector. In addition, SCA will provide in the near future many services including training and consultation. Also, SCA has introduced a program called Mazaya program to help contractors lowering their operational cost and to provide the employees of contracting sector with tailored offers and service. You're invited to visit our website (membership section) to know more about our services.
Is the SCA membership obligatory for contractors?
Yes! Based on the ministers' council resolution, all contractors needs to register with SCA. Currently, government projects are limited to contractors who have SCA membership only.
Is Saudi contractor required to register?
Yes, based the resolution of the Council of Ministers all contractors who working in the Kingdom (Saudi and non-Saudi) are required to register. It's obligatory now for government projects and down the road will be for all projects.
Does the registration process take long time to complete?
The registration process is an online wizard and takes few minutes to complete using Moqawil platform. The registration’s review and approval may take few days based on readiness of documents. We are working on automating this process by taking these documents from the source and that will shorten the process into few minutes.
Is the number of year of membership related to the Commercial Registration?
No, there’s no relation between the period of the membership and the period of the Commercial Registration. During renewal however, CR must be valid.
Does issuance or renewal of Commercial Registration require SCA Membership?
Issuance/Renewal of CR doesn't require SCA membership. Please note that SCA doesn't require CR for non-contractors who are interested in SCA membership.
If wrong payment was made, can a refund be claimed?
Yes, but the claim should be within 10 working days as long that there is a regulatory reason.
Can the basic information of the certificate be amended after being issued?
Basic info of the certificate can be updated within 10 days if a mistake occurred in the organization info. Dynamic info like activities and address can be changed any time by the contractor's account manager. Please note that certain info (such as activities) will go through approval before it becomes effective.
How the membership certificate start date is determined?
Membership start date starts upon completion of the payment.
Is it possible to verify the validity of a contractor's Commercial Registration through SCA
All contractors that are registered with SCA had valid CR at the time of registration. Unregistered contractors can't be verified currently.
How can I know about the conferences and seminars of SCA?
Conferences and seminars of SCA will be announced on the website and Twitter account (https://twitter.com/SCA2030).
How to register on SCA’s activities?
It will be announced on SCA’s Twitter account. https://twitter.com/SCA2030
Could an affiliate member attend the general assembly’s meetings?
Attending, voting and participating are limited to Saudi Contractors who have completed their registration and paid the membership fee (non-Saudi Contractors and non-Contractors are excluded).
Can I get a consultation from SCA’s engineers?
We are working currently on the consultation services project that will facilitate access to such service. This will be available in the near future.
As an affiliate, would SCA membership enrich my knowledge about the sector?
Affiliate membership was designed specially to provide sector's statistics and data to interested clients and researchers.
Is Contractor Classification Agency under SCA?
No, Contractor Classification Agency is under Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs while SCA is operating under the umbrella of Ministry of Commerce.